African Canadians
Overlooked by posterity, ignored by history…
African Canadians played an enormous role in the founding of the nation we now know as Canada, but – like Laura Secord – their stories have been overlooked by posterity and ignored by history. Laura’s own story came to light much later in her own lifetime, but the lives, stories, and contributions of many African Canadian leaders, settlers, and pioneers still remain obscure.
Thanks to a generous ONTARIO TRILLIUM FOUNDATION GRANT obtained by the Friends of Laura Secord, our researchers, contributors, and friends have collected and consolidated some of these stories, to help bring the enormous contributions of African Canadian pioneers to light. They can be accessed on the web, or triggered automatically on your Android phone in the appropriate locations via the Guidetags mobile app as you walk along the Laura Secord Legacy Trail .
The Laura Secord Legacy Trail and its associated interpretive resources help us share these stories in an active and interactive way with all Canadians.
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